


Skuteczne strategie wsparcia w kryzysie i w nagłych wypadkach - pierwsza pomoc psychlogiczna

12 kwietnia 2023

Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations

Psychotraumatologist Agata Fryś discusses crisis intervention and the actions that help victims return to a state of balance.
Jak radzić sobie z samotnością w święta

25 listopada 2022

Christmas, fears and hopes

It was a difficult year. Full of tension and uncertainty. How to prepare for the celebration in such an atmosphere? How to overcome fears and build hope for a better tomorrow?
Jak można mogą rozpoznać oznaki samobójstwa  i jak oferować im skuteczne wsparcie.

05 września 2022

Can suicide be stopped?

More people kill themselves than are killed in road accidents - we can change these statistics because preventing suicides means caring for those who live
Psychological help – where and how to seek it?

09 sierpnia 2021

Psychological help – where and how to seek it?

About psychological help offered by the EAP Helpline, concerns associated with seeking professional help and why turning for help earlier rather than later matters