Building a team

19 czerwca 2024
Attachment style at work
Secure, anxious, avoidant, or disorganised? Attachment style formed in childhood still shapes your adult world.

24 maja 2024
Including everyone. Inclusivity in the organisation
Inclusivity benefits both employees and the company. How can we create a diverse and welcoming work environment for everyone?

08 maja 2024
Change management in a company
Proper preparation, implementation, and management of change within a company are key to its development. Participants of the ICAS Poland course learned how to achieve this

25 kwietnia 2024
Future competencies
What skills should Employee 2.0 have? It turns out that the competencies of the future are deeply human characteristics that machines will not achieve for quite some time

26 marca 2024
Bridges instead of walls
Building a feedback culture in an organization is not an easy path, but it is worth every step, because even small changes can bring real benefits

22 września 2023
Challenging beauty of diversity
Unique personalities enrich the team, while disturbed ones can weaken it – how to collaborate effectively when we are so different?

24 lutego 2023
Being a leader and being a manager. On leadership in a company
How to use the potential of both roles in the organisation and find a balance between the two? Joanna Krzyżanowska - a manager, psychologist, coach and mentor will discuss it.

06 października 2021
Seven ways in which EAP supports managers
Persons with management roles, face their own life challenges, but also have to deal with problems of their employees and teams – our experts have their back in all of these areas

16 kwietnia 2021
Don’t avoid the topic
A professional grief companion, Anja Franczak, discusses how to talk about death in a company and support employees experiencing loss.