22 September 2023
Challenging beauty of diversity
Unique personalities enrich the team, while disturbed ones can weaken it – how to collaborate effectively when we are so different?

In a world where diversity stands as an asset, the unique qualities that define each of us hold genuine value. However, at times, this very distinctiveness can impose a substantial burden, disrupting daily functioning and engendering profound discomfort, and even suffering – both for oneself and others. This is when we delve into the realm of personality disorders. In such cases, the pursuit of professional assistance to alleviate one's own distress and that of those around is not only possible but may also be necessary. Nevertheless, the task of discerning the boundary between normalcy and disorder remains far from straightforward.
People like us: personality disorders in everyday life
Our story begins in the heart of the metropolis, where the steady rhythm of urban life blends with the chaos of the bustling daily routine. In one of the glass-walled buildings filled with desks, where KPIs, targets, and goals reign supreme, we meet Martha. The morning sun's gentle rays penetrate the slender fissures in the venetian blinds, casting light upon a woman with sharp features whose gaze, almost constantly fixed on the computer screen, seems to scrutinise every detail, not letting anything slip by. Martha is an extreme perfectionist, a trait often venerated in the corporate world. Her ability to focus on details allows her to catch errors that others might overlook. Above-average precision and diligence enable her to "deliver" every project and finish it down to the smallest detail. She impeccably follows all the rules of the corporate world. However, the same perfectionism often makes her excessively critical of her colleagues, accusing them of not trying hard enough. Her personal standards, which far surpass the ordinary, often lead to exhaustion, but Martha is unable to relent. If something unexpected happens during a project, Martha is completely devastated and takes a long time to recover. Recently, her boss told her to ignore certain aspects of a project, citing constraints on time. She couldn't do it. The thought of an incomplete project paralysed her with anxiety. So, she worked through the nights but completed the project in its entirety. Many people working with Martha find it challenging to meet her demands, which can be frustrating for them. However, many others appreciate her dedication and competence. At work, Martha carries the label of the "Iron Lady."
In the other corner of the office, we encounter Thomas. In his everyday demeanour, he appears calm and serene, seemingly avoiding direct interactions with people. Immersed in his own thoughts, he often retreats to his own enclave, where the music flowing from his headphones is his sole companion. Thomas is not antisocial, although many might describe him as such. He is simply mistrustful and suspicious of people. Once he forms a bond of trust, however, he opens up. His inner world is so rich and intricate that others sometimes see him as an eccentric detached from reality. When he gets to know someone better, he willingly discusses conspiracy theories that, in his view, explain the workings of the world. His desk is adorned with amulets and magical talismans because supernatural forces are an important part of Thomas's life. Collaborating with him requires patience and delicate communication, as it is easy to offend him. However, when it comes to the graphic projects he undertakes, they are nothing short of brilliance. To those encountering them for the first time, they prove profoundly awe-inspiring. These projects are unconventional, entirely unique, creative – almost otherworldly. In the workplace, Tom is labelled as the "eccentric artist."
And in the middle of the room, beneath a lush and vibrant plant that commands attention, sits Kate. Her vitality and enthusiasm are contagiously inspiring, and her cheerful approach to life attracts others. In essence, she is the veritable life force of this office milieu. She is everywhere, knows everything, and is acquainted with everyone. At times, her colleagues feel that when they open the office kitchen's refrigerator, Kate might just pop out of it. However, the same emotions that render her so charismatic can, at times, become a double-edged sword. Her moods can change rapidly, causing quite a commotion within the team. And when she gets into her groove, Kate behaves as if she were performing on a stage; her demeanour becomes theatrical, exaggerated, and dramatic. Kate competes for attention with others, and when she doesn't get it, she can sometimes bend the rules and norms. She is unique in many ways, but she's also aware of her uniqueness and steadfast in her expectation of its recognition by others. She bears the label of the "centre of attention."
All three of them—Martha, Thomas, and Kate— form a distinctive tapestry of personalities within the workplace, where diversity is unequivocally esteemed. Each of them brings their unique contributions to the team. However, they also require understanding and empathy. Therefore, it is worthwhile to delve into the intricacies of each psyche, refraining from judgment or stigmatization.
Is something wrong with me? The notion of norm and its tenuous boundary
Amidst the intricate tapestry of contemporary human experiences, the line between what we consider the norm and what we classify as a disorder is exceptionally delicate. Where does this boundary reside? When do the subtle nuances of our unique personalities transform into a condition warranting specialist evaluation and intervention? The first step towards apprehending these subtleties is acknowledging that "normalcy" encompasses a broad spectrum. Consequently, numerous traits classified as symptoms of personality disorders in their extreme manifestations may, in milder forms, be regarded simply as distinctive character qualities. Furthermore, the concept of a personality disorder itself is not viewed in black-and-white terms but rather as a palette of colours with diverse shades.
Let us revisit Marta's example with her excessive attention to detail and a complete lack of tolerance for her own and others' weaknesses. If these traits intensify to the extent that they hinder Marta's daily functioning, cause fatigue, and affect her relationships with others, we can designate this as an obsessive-compulsive personality. However, if they do not bring about such negative consequences, they can be perceived as perfectionism. In the case of individuals like Thomas, who have a propensity for solitude, deep contemplation, frequent detachment from their surroundings, and unconventional thinking, in their most extreme incarnations, we may delineate a schizotypal personality. Yet, in milder manifestations, it merely denotes an individual who is inherently introspective and contemplative—a veritable artistic soul. Turning our gaze to Kate, with her high self-esteem, self-assuredness, and a desire to be in the spotlight, in their most exaggerated expression, these traits might be categorised as narcissistic personality. However, in a more tempered guise, they signify nothing more than self-confidence, a quality which, judiciously wielded, can indeed be considered an asset.
Mental illnesses, unlike personality disorders, often find their roots in specific biological, neurological, or chemical causes. In the case of personality disorders, we are dealing with enduring patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings that are incongruous with widely accepted social norms or cultural conventions. This raises the question: when do we become aware that the fine line between normalcy and disorder has been transgressed? A crucial indicator lies in our daily functioning. When personality traits become hindrances in our everyday lives, in our relationships with others, at work, or at home, leading to discomfort or suffering, it may suggest the presence of a disorder, necessitating the quest for support. Each of us harbours a unique facet of personality, endowing us with individuality. It is vital to recognize when this distinctive hue transitions into an overly vivid tone, indicating the need for assistance and understanding. Profound self-awareness, the acceptance of our strengths and weaknesses, and, above all, cognizance of when to seek aid, are the keys to living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us.
In a world where the relentless pace of life compels us to constant haste and superficiality, we occasionally become insensitive to the subtle signals emanating from the people around us. Yet, it is crucial that we learn to discern these soft notes that emanate from others! We are, each of us, intricate beings, woven from threads of contrast – light and shadow, strength and frailty. Understanding and tolerance toward the imperfections or vulnerabilities of others extend beyond the mere altruistic gesture, but also signify a profound recognition that each of us carries our own burdens, fights our own battles, often concealed from the casual observer. When we begin to view people through the lens of empathy and kindness, we not only open ourselves to their experiences but also learn to appreciate the depth and richness of the human condition. By accepting and supporting others in their minor imperfections, we construct bridges of understanding that transform our relationships into genuine, profoundly human bonds.
The fascinating spectrum - personality disorders classification
To open oneself to an empathetic understanding of the diverse facets of one's own personality and those of the individuals in our midst, it is prudent to begin by acquainting oneself with the various types of personality disorders. It is crucial that this knowledge does not serve as a pretext for facile stigmatization or self-appointed diagnostic tendencies. Rather, the aim is to foster a deeper understanding of oneself and others by taking into account personality traits that may exist, to varying degrees, beyond the boundary of the norm.
According to the classification by the American Psychiatric Association in the DSM-IV manual, personality disorders are categorized into three groups. Within each of these, disorders manifest distinct patterns of behaviour and thought.
Cluster A – odd or eccentric disorders
- Schizoid Personality Disorder: Individuals with this disorder often exhibit introversion, prefer solitude, and display a limited range of emotions. Their thought patterns seem "disconnected from the world," and they encounter difficulties in forming deep emotional connections.
- Schizotypal Personality Disorder: Characterized by eccentric thinking, beliefs, or perceptions. Individuals with this disorder may be excessively suspicious or hold beliefs related to magic.
- Paranoid Personality Disorder: Dominated by distrust and suspicion towards others. The thinking of these individuals revolves around interpreting the motivations of others as hostile..
Cluster B – dramatic, emotional, or erratic disorders
- Histrionic Personality Disorder: Individuals with this disorder desire to be the centre of attention and can be highly emotional. They may think in terms of "I must be visible" or "if I'm not the centre of attention, something is wrong."
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Dominated by a belief in their own exceptionalism, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. Their thought pattern revolves around "I am better than others" or "I deserve special treatment."
- Borderline Personality Disorder: Marked by significant mood swings, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, and an unstable self-image. Individuals with this disorder may think: "Nobody really loves me" or "Everyone is abandoning me."
- Antisocial Personality Disorder: These individuals often disregard the rights of others, can be aggressive and impulsive. Their thought pattern is: "Rules don't apply to me."
Cluster C – anxious or fearful disorders
- Avoidant Personality Disorder: Dominated by feelings of inferiority, sensitivity to criticism, and avoidance of social situations due to fear of criticism. Thought pattern: "I am unwanted" or "I will be judged and rejected."
- Dependent Personality Disorder: Constant need for care, fear of abandonment or being alone. Thought pattern: "I can't handle things on my own" or "I must be close to someone to feel safe."
- Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: A desire for control, orderliness, and perfection. Thought pattern: "Everything must be perfect" or "If I don't have control, something will go wrong."
What can we do with knowledge of personality disorders?
Understanding the mechanisms at play in individuals with various personality disorders or personality traits that lean toward the boundary of normalcy is essential for effective collaboration and communication with them. Employing emotional intelligence, cultivating empathy, and demonstrating adaptability in our interactions with diverse personality types can profoundly elevate the quality of our engagements, both within the professional sphere and beyond. Here are a few recommendations:
- Group A comprises individuals who may be perceived as exotic or eccentric. Among them are individuals with schizoid personality disorder, who often prefer solitude and may not be interested in forming deep workplace relationships. It is important to remember that their unique perspectives and observations are very real to them. When collaborating with them, it is crucial to respect their beliefs and focus on facts. Individuals with paranoid personality disorder are highly sensitive to criticism and may be suspicious of others. The key in interacting with them is to build trust through consistency and transparency in actions.
- Group B consists of individuals whose personality traits are theatrical and emotional. Individuals with histrionic personality disorder have a strong need to be in the spotlight. When collaborating with them, it is important to acknowledge their contributions while also setting clear boundaries. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a need to be admired and a lack of empathy for others, necessitating the establishment of well-defined relational limits. Individuals with borderline personality disorder struggle with emotional regulation and relational instability. A calm, consistent, and predictable approach is the foundation of effective collaboration.
- Group C comprises individuals with anxiety or anxious-related disorders. Those with avoidant personality disorder may harbour profound fears of criticism or rejection. In the context of collaboration, it is pivotal to foster trust and encourage active participation. For those with dependent personality disorder, support and empowerment towards self-sufficiency hold significance. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder may incline towards perfectionism and meticulous control of details, necessitating clear delineation of expectations and openness to their input.
People are not a symphony but rather jazz – the trick is not to play a perfectly tuned guitar
When we consider that the norm defining the boundary between a healthy and disordered personality is subjective, fluid, and delicate, while also taking into account the diversity of personality traits, we might come to the realization that this is, to some degree, a completely ubiquitous phenomenon. In our daily lives, we collaborate with individuals whose personalities deviate to a greater or lesser extent from the norm, or even surpass it. Should this recognition disturb us, evoke fear or sadness? Alternatively, could it perhaps evolve into a source of fascination with diversity – a beauty, albeit a challenging one? The people who surround us daily, at work and beyond, are not a symphony – neatly arranged into mathematically predictable harmonies. They are more like progressive jazz – replete with dissonances, cacophony, and occasional discords. One can love the beauty of jazz improvisations.
I am a musician. Once, during a concert, the lead vocalist of the band, while energetically traversing the stage, inadvertently struck my guitar with his hand, completely throwing it out of tune. I had to finish the song on a thoroughly detuned instrument, which was an acrobatic feat in itself – navigating past the dissonant notes, adjusting the strings, altering the melody. When I brought it to his attention, urging him to exercise more caution, he offered sagacious counsel, illuminating for me the essence of my affinity for working with people and among them. He said, "Mate, the trick is not to play a perfectly tuned guitar." Generally, the personalities of people are, to a greater or lesser extent, "out of tune." So, instead of being frustrated that they don't conform perfectly to the meticulously notated symphony in our score, perhaps it's worth embracing jazz – diverse and beautiful, albeit demanding.