Mental health

25 października 2024
Tiny traumas – how to mend the cracks that shape us
Has trauma become fashionable? Do tiny traumas exist? How can we take care of ourselves and heal the wounds that form?

23 września 2024
Who will save the hero? How to help the helpers
What mechanisms allow you to effectively support others while taking care of your own health? How to effectively help those who help?

23 lipca 2024
Spread your wings – self-esteem as a self-fulfilling prophecy
What power does self-esteem hold? Does our sense of self-worth determine our choices?

21 maja 2024
Where are the men? How the myth of masculinity is falling
Who is a real man? Are we experiencing a crisis of masculinity? Does patriarchy truly protect men? Małgosia Kwiatkowska discusses this with psychologist Stach Borawski

27 lutego 2024
High sensitivity – gift or curse?
A discussion about what high sensitivity is, how to recognize it in oneself, why it's worth accepting it within oneself, and perhaps even loving it.

19 grudnia 2023
Inspiring books for 2024
How to find the energy to take action in the new year? What can we do to achieve the success? ICAS Poland experts recommend books that will prepare us for changes

28 lipca 2023
Human versus machine
Technology endows us with new possibilities, yet its entry into the workplace often involves technostress. We provide guidance on how to cope with it

29 maja 2023
Child within each of us
As we celebrate Children's Day, we wish all adults to reconnect with the part of themselves that still longs to experience joy, embrace dreams, and explore the world

12 kwietnia 2023
Overcoming crisis – support in emergency situations
Psychotraumatologist Agata Fryś discusses crisis intervention and the actions that help victims return to a state of balance.